Forum Discussion

lloyd528's avatar
Jul 11, 2014

Leisure Travel Vans, need second opinion before purchase.

My wife and I are near retirement and intend to travel in a class B. I've scoured all the class B motorhome websites and Leisure Travel has the most thorough site, with many informative videos, photos, etc. After looking at the Free Spirit SS and Unity models, with slide outs, I found my local dealer and took a tour of the Unity. I was blown away by the craftsmanship and interior and exterior design of this vehicle. I got in and out of the best Roadtreks they had and no comparison. I checked out Winnebago's best motorhome of similar size as well as the Airstream's best, but not impressed compared to the LTV offerings. Unfortunately there are no RV shows around at this time of year to get in and out of other brands such as Pleasure Way, CoachHouse, etc. Am I on to something here, that Leisure Travel Vans are a cut above the rest or am I missing something? Who has cabinetry like them? I just didn't see it in the other motorhomes, in the 22-24 size, on a Mercedes chassis.

Any suggestions, or things I should consider before buying a Free Spirit SS or the Unity, both with slide outs. Have I overlooked a coach that is top of the line?
  • I have to agree with Arizonakid on this one. I come here to learn about b vans as that is what I have. It is not a "small rv" it is a b van. If you don't own one you don't understand. No value judgement intended.
  • "Relevant answers to a query". Thank you Wincrasher65 for confirming that I am in the correct forum. That's precisely why I'm here. I didn't come here to ruin your forum. I come here to learn and get answers just like everyone else (except for Arizona kid who apparently has spent 12 years trying to prevent people from doing just that). I didn't choose this forum, it chose me by having the topics that interested me. If the answers I wanted were in the C forum, that is where I would be.

    Issues dealing with small size like parking, storage, and capacities, are just as important to me as they are to you. B owners have to be more innovative and as a newbie I have learned many tricks from you folks with regard to those issues. I don't participate in "B" specific topics.

    I only responded because in my short time here(3 months), I have watched Arizona kid and a few others constantly harass people who are just trying to get answers. His post did not contain one constructive comment and I guess I had enough of "B envy".

    I'm sorry that some of you can't figure this out but I would suggest that when you see us (B+, tiny C owners) advising a prospective B purchaser on "ALL" of their options, go to one of the many "B" specific topics where you won't have to put up with us.

    I think that this bothers me because I would not even own an RV if not for this forum. This is where I found out about the tiny C, the only MH that fit all our needs, thanks to some brave folks who didn't listen to the likes of Arizona Kid. You may have been right 12 years ago but the line is blurred now, get used to it.
  • There are some Trolls, but because of your short time here, you have no idea who they are, and what's going on. Now you seem to be wanting to join their ranks.

    I'm sorry you made a mistake and purchased a Class C thinking it was a Class B. You should have done more homework. Now you want to post about your "C" in this forum, and because I or others tell you your in the wrong place you accuse us of harassing you.
    Like I said, why don't you start your own forum instead of telling all the Class B owners what they should do, and how this forum should change.

    You should embrace your small Class C, and join the hundreds of others who are quite happy in that forum.

    Maybe we will all chip in and get you some "C"heese for Xmas.


    Edited for grammar.
  • It is not B envy, it is B-ness envy. Here you can extoll big is better which seems to be the prime message by the C owners here. I suspect if they posted in the proper forum that was set up for them in the Class C forum B+ sub forum they might then suffer from C-ness envy in no longer having the biggest RV is better boast.
  • Just so you know, the manufacturer says it's a B, the State of New Hampshire says it's a B, I'm guessing a judge would say it's a B.

    You can call it what ever you like. It means nothing. It's all about how you use it, not what it is.
  • Your RV a PleasureWay Class C Pursuit.

    PW calls your RV a B plus, which we all know is a Class C.
    "Built on the Ford E350 dual rear wheel cutaway chassis, the Pursuit is easy to drive and achieves great fuel economy. The Pursuit is unique due to many of its special features, but primarily because it is 22 feet long. This new B Plus motorhome is constructed with the same attention to detail and commitment to quality and safety that Pleasure-Way Industries Ltd. is known for."

    On this forum it's also a Class C, and let me tell you that RIVA also defines it as a Class C. If you look at your Vin no. I will bet there is a C in it.

    From RIVA's consumer page, and I quote.
    RIVA (Go RVing)

    Type C Motorhomes are built on an automotive van frame with a wider body section attached to the original cab section. Many Type C Motorhomes are easily recognizable by the over-the-cab area that is often an optional sleeping area. Amenities are similar to those in conventional motorhomes.

    21-35 ft
    From $43,000 to $200,000+
    Up to 8
    Ample living space includes sleeping, kitchen, dining and bathroom facilities, as well as entertainment systems and storage.

    The manufacture also calls this a B+ 29' with 2 slides
    Get my point?

  • rvit-i do not understand why you persist in this-pleasure way makes mostly b's(yours is a c.) but they (pleasure way) calls it a B so that all their units will be counted to their official 'B' total they don't want to split among b and c for official charts-

    why are you trying to convince people who don't want to be convinced
  • rvit wrote:
    Just so you know, the manufacturer says it's a B, the State of New Hampshire says it's a B, I'm guessing a judge would say it's a B.

    You can call it what ever you like. It means nothing. It's all about how you use it, not what it is.

    You could also call it an ice cream truck or an emergency response vehicle. :D