Forum Discussion

Daboo's avatar
Sep 15, 2013


Oh a fun day...was sitting at a campground with the levelers down..they are the HWH with the springs....the system would not retract the levelers..I opened the T-handles, still no retraction...I ended up cracking the lines to the manifold to let pressure off the lines and then the levelers retracted..messy but it worked...the instructions for the levelers say to open the t-handled and let the pressure off...wonder why opening of the T-handles did not relief the pressure...any suggestions...thanks
  • the levelers did operate putting them down..did not try to raise them..we will be at this location for 15 thought i would wait until then to attempt stow them..hope they work...
  • thanks for the info..we are away from home and will not return for 2 weeks..will take it to the dealer when we return...Me thinks this might be the last run for the "Mayflower" it will be a new one or a newer one...thanks again.....
  • dougrainer's comment is correct. I had this problem last March, and found our shuttle valve was bad. Removing and reinstalling the valve will temporarily relieve the pressure so you can retract your jacks, but get the valve replaced at your earliest opportunity to prevent the problem reoccurring.
  • If NONE of the jacks retracted with the T handles opened and they did when you cracked the lines---Your SHUTTLE valve is bad. You need to replace it. The Shuttle valve is the valve on top the manifold that has a small 1/4 inch U shaped metal line. Page 11 will show the location of the shuttle valve. There are NO check valves on a HWH system that will cause retraction problems. Also, the Solenoids with the T handles are what STOP the jacks in place when you stop the pump, not those check valves. IF there is a part installed at the Hyd line at the manifold it is a VELOCITY(not all HWH systems Have these) valve, not a check valve and its purpose is to slow the return pressure of the jack fluid when retracting, to keep the RV from dropping too fast. The SHUTTLE valve is the gateway for ALL fluid from the pump on extend and back on retraction. When it sticks NO fluid will flow back to the pump. Usually a sticking Velocity valve will operate on the pressure side, because the 3000 psi of the pump will overcome the sticking valve, but the static pressure when you retract cannot overcome the stuck valve. Also, odds are if you operate the system again the jacks will extend and retract. Once you crack the lines and remove the static pressure on the SHUTTLE valve, it sometimes unsticks. REPLACE regardless as it WILL stick again. Doug
  • The check valve is probably stuck in the open position allowing flow outward to the pistons but not allowing it to flow back. They are there so if you stop leveling and look at the piston it does'nt retract whilst you are looking at it. Try cranking them down again. May have fixed your own problem. If not, off to the shop or get a repair book.