Forum Discussion

two_travelers's avatar
Jul 09, 2016

Leveling check

When we check level, we put bubble level on counter near fridge. Recently put on floor & noticed a difference. Where do most people check? Counter is a lot earlier.
  • I check using the bathroom door. If it doesn't swing open or closed when placed in different positions, that works for us.
  • We use the HWH red center light indicator on the control panel.
  • Icheck at the counter And at the frig, and also do the door test.
  • We are 36' and check on the dash, kitchen counter or table that is across from it and in the rear on the back wall ( small ledge- decorative that runs across the width of the motorhome). We also open the microwave door - does it stay open and not slowly swing closed, check the shower door - does it slowly swing open instead of closed again, and our bathroom door - when opened does it stay at the halfway point of open/closed without swinging in either direction. The more level we are, the slides do not ever leak. Off and they will leak in heavy rain.
  • I Check the bottom of the refer and one spot on the corner of a counter top is the same. When level there I then stuck two bubble levels near the steering wheel. One on the dash for side to side and one on the wall for front to back. I use this to check parking sites as I pull into them and after I've leveled out.
  • I usually just use the levels outside of the coach.... Get it reasonable then have a good time and not worry if it's a tat off.
  • Simple: level up your rig, perhaps at home, the way you like it.

    Then find the place that shows level, and use that spot consistently. I use a leveling app on my phone,and I know the spot on my floor to place it while I park my B in the best spot available.