Like others have suggested, I NEVER use auto mode. Jacks go absolutely nuts with the ups and downs in auto, and always ends up leaving the front end off the ground (something that like already said, you should never do). Manual is the only way to go, IMO.
What I do is this: Before even turning on the jacks, I get out a level and see just how far off from level I am. If its significantly off in either direction, out come the blocks, and I drive whichever side of the MH up onto blocks that needs such to get it closer to level.
Once I get close to level by driving MH onto blocks (or already am close without such), I get out the rest of my blocks, stack them under each jack, so that each jack has to extend out as little as possible. THEN, I turn on the control panel, put it in manual mode, extend the jacks, and finish off the leveling.
This way, no tire ever leaves the ground, and jacks don't have to extend out as far. I've found that the less you extend the jacks, and the more you can do your leveling with blocks, the more solid, stable it will be inside. Much easier on your jacks, too.
Only time I don't do all that, and just let the leveling jacks do all the work, is when I'm on a very level site (paved), and we're only staying for a night or two.