Forum Discussion

Sandy___Shirley's avatar
Apr 14, 2015

Leveling motor home in driveway

First of all, sorry if my signature still shows our old fifth wheel. We got our Georgetown a week ago and haven’t changed the signature yet.

My driveway is not exactly level so we can get rain runoff. When we pull our new motor home in it sometimes fails to auto-level. It is raining now so I don’t have the exact laser level specs, but I think that three 2 x 10 or 12’s under the rear driver side dual tires and two under the front will do.

My first thought is to create some ramps out of plywood for the sides and 2 by’s for the base with side extensions for the levelers and stops at the front for the tires.

Pull up short of final position, place ramps against tires, drive up to stops, and auto-level.

Before I go through the process of building custom ramps out of wood, does anyone know of items like this already available, and if not is there a better material to use for the project.