Gjac wrote:
This was very informative I did not realize the Chevy chassis had more GC at the hitch. Is the difference significant say 2 ins or more? I guess the real question when one starts looking at 24 ft Class C's what is the min GC they should look for at the hitch so it does not drag?
Given all other factors are the same, I'd agree. That said, I think the manufacturers have significantly reduced the rear overhang in their designs, independent of chassis in the last couple of decades; rarely do you see newer MHs with those types of overhangs. I'd venture to say the hitch GC between GM and Ford is more insignificant these days, depending on the needs of the owner.
While GC is important, there's also a lot more factors that goes into choosing a particular chassis, such as:
o Choice amongst existing stock - you'll find Ford under 95% of those units, and 100% for specific manufacturers. (or MB Sprinters, or Dodge...)
o If you have a chance to order a new MH (or procure an existing unit) with a choice of chassis, compare the differences in cab room, drive-ability, power, desire for a particular brand (I favor GM over Ford, for dozens of reasons), etc.
We liked the house on the Four Winds a little better than the Sunseeker, but we love the GM chassis on the latter. As always, they are way to large on the outside and way to small on the inside!