Forum Discussion

rs680's avatar
Oct 31, 2013

Look at three class a today

I was looking at some class a today. this is my first class a. So I would like to get some feed back.

I live in central Ontario Canada so I am not sure if price is a big factor over US.

Anyways all 3 are used units at dealerships all come with all safety requirements. All are similar in standard equipment.

1. 2000 Winnebago Adventurer 34 or 35 ft 1 large slide not sure Clean has 116000 kms on it and they are asking 25k

2. 2006 Georgie Boy 29 ft 2 slides also clean Has 50k kilometers. Asking 35k

3. This company I never heard of A 2003 R- Vision condor 28.5 ft. It also has 50k kilometers and they are asking 30k

They all caught my eye I like the georgie boy layout, THe Winny well the have always had a great reputations The Condor is nice but I never heard of them before.

Well any feed back would be nice.
Thank you
  • did a search and it showed that chieftains were still made in 2000 so the adventurer would not be the top of the line gasser for that year. not that that matters much, IMHO the winnie would be the best of the three.
  • R-Vision was a manufacturer of towable RVs, and type C and type A gas motorhomes. They specialized early in smaller lightweight units. R-Vision was acquired by Monaco a few years before Monaco bankrupted, Monaco first moving manufacture of its lower price RVs (towables, all four brands of Cs and A gassers) from the H-R plant to the R-Vision plant.

    Price point for the Condor was about the same as the base Georgie Boy models (Georgie Boy then being owned by Coachmen).

    The Winnebago you are looking at is their "top of the line" gas motorhome for that period, Adventurer replaced Chieftain. The other two should be more plainly trimmed, they were priced entry level.

    It is not a bad idea to pick one because you like the layout, if you understand how you will live in the layout. The most common reason for selling a RV to get a new one is that the layout didn't work once they tried living in it.

    Three is not many to have looked at. I think I must have looked at more than a hundred different RVs of all types (went to shows) before making a choice. I'd keep looking, unless one of those really works for you. Especially in older RVs for which there is no parts support no matter what brand, how it works and what condition can be more important than which manufacturer.
  • Don't know what you are using it for but mine is 15 years old and I got it new---the washer and dryer has never been used--never. I am a condition person, look it over carefully. Lot of small things to not work right. Look for anything that would indicate a leak......good luck
  • Are you full timing or weekend trips? IMHO a washer/dryer is a waste of space if usuing for weekend. Go with the layout that will work for you. If you don't like the layout you will be replacing in a short time.
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    I would go with the one with the most updated chassis which is the 2006 GBM if they are similarly equipped as you state. Both Ford and Chevy were upgraded in 2006.
  • the winnebago has a fiberglass roof. my 99 chieftain with 2 slides with 30K miles on it was on sale at the dealer for $35,000. don't know what they sold it for. the chieftain was several notches above the adventurer at that time. washer/dryer prep would be an advantage if you need/want it.
  • A washer dryer is great but if you are going to camp in Ontario/Canada mainly at provincial/federal parks we don't have hook ups like a lot of places in the States. You only have hydro, no water or sewer.
  • I would get one with a washer dryer unit in it. I have the combo unit that does both. It is not as good as the one in your stick house, but it is wonderful to be able to keep your clothes clean while traveling.