Forum Discussion

Domromer's avatar
May 02, 2016

Looking at a 2007 Itasca Navion M-23H-Sprinter Diesel

We have put the Navion on our shortlist...Anyone here own one? Anything good , bad, or indifferent to say about them?

Anything you'd specifically recommend looking at when inspection a used one like this?

Is there a navion forum or specific web page we should be looking at?
  • I have a '07 View H on a '06 Chassis, which is the same as what you are looking at. I bought at the end of September last year and I have spent all winter working on it and still have a couple of things to go. It has just over 18K miles on it and is rather clean, but still have lots of issues. Winnebago did nothing to control rust or corrosion on their parts, so you will find brackets underneath that are half rusted away, common complaint that WBO apparently doesn't attempt to address even now. The Sprinter is quirky and you MUST learn the MB specs for fluids and lubricants, and understand that the transmission on the 5 cyl is a very weak link in the vehicle. Do complete fluid changes, including the converter every 20K miles or so and add a cooler to it, and possibly a trans temp gauge. Use only fluid meeting the MB specs (there are only two or three different fluids available in this country for it.) I'm an aircraft mechanic by trade, and do all of my own work. This thing has been an eye opener.

  • Your unit looks very much like our View. Your TV appears to be on the right side facing out but ours is rear of dinette placed at an angle, as I see the brochure.

    Floor plan otherwise looks the same to me. Sprinters are either loved or hated. I do all my own service. we have the 6-cyl turbo diesel frome Mercedes-Benz but the mascot is a Dodge.

    M-B has a lot of specifications regarding oil and such that you must observe or risk denial of warrantee.

    List of M-B specs
  • We used to use the Sprinter for our fleet vehicle. The Freightliner labeled ones were absolute garbage. The RAM were slightly better but even they had issues. Turos, vacuum lines, injectors, electrical, brakes, security system. Basically a CEL all the time.
    We went back to the standard style E350 Econoline and are now supplying Ford Transit with the large Ecoboost. The new Transit is better vehicle. If someone offered us a free Sprinter as a fleet van I would pass and would rather repower an older 350.