mike brez wrote:
TechWriter wrote:
Skid Row Joe wrote:
TechWriter wrote:
Skid Row Joe wrote:
I'm not aware of any "bulkhead separation." In fact, I've never heard of this in 30+ years. Can you provide some evidence here to back up your assertions?
Bulkhead Separation
Is that a Foretravel document? It looks like a private owner's blog.
Yes, this is Barry Brideau's blog. The site is a resource for Foretravel owners.
If you had taken the time you investigate more, you would have found this link to a Mark Harvey letter about inspecting for bulkhead separation. Mark Harvey is the Service Director of Foretravel of Texas.
It is a well documented problem in those years. For someone pushing buying a foretravel I'm surprised you have never heard of it. Do a search on the foretravel forum if you don't think it's true. I believe the 2002s had a real bad zipper cracking on the rear caps running from the roof all the way down the side. We looked at a few of them and they have problems like any other coach.
I would say that backs up any assertions