You do really have to look at the GVW on all C's and Super C's. Some manufacturers are building their coaches to specific price points and they must "skim" here and there to make their targeted MSRP. The new SC2RV Freightliner is a perfect example IMO. It is a strong chassis but it does not compare to the M2-106 in regards to GVW/GCVW and of course is therefore less dollars up front. You need to decide how much caring/hauling capability you need from the chassis and go from there. My M2-106 has a GVW of 34,300 lbs and a GCVW of 60,000 lbs, there is no way I will ever reach those limits but it sure makes me feel safer to know I will never be overloaded. If there was some way to swing a few more dollars and get into a used Renegade I would do that over a Nexus.