Forum Discussion

want-a-be's avatar
May 01, 2016

Looking To Get Roadside Coverage

Never had roadside coverage and was wondering who everyone is using?
  • whether it is Coach-net, Good Sam, and most of the insurance companies....they pretty much all use the same service companies. So the basic difference is the person you talk to and how experienced and willing to help he/she is. I think you'll eventually find that you will receive good and bad service from whichever company you use.

    Pick one.

  • We used Coach Net once in 10 years, we had a TT then and they towed our excursion home when the starter quit. We still have Coach Net but I don't want another brake down.
  • Would be nice to know what you have in regards to RV. For instance, we have a new Ford based MH and provides free roadside service for 5 years, plus we have 1 year of free RSS from camping world. With my old motorhome I had Progressive insurance and they have RSS coverage for a nominal fee.
  • I have coach net, have used 3 times in about 10 years, always very good,responsive, and never a problrm. Tire delivered and mounted once, an air height part delivered and installed once, and towed once. I'm staying with thrm.
  • We chose Coach-Net as our ERS provider. Our second choice would be Good Sam/Allstate.