Forum Discussion

two_travelers's avatar
Sep 23, 2018

Maintaining tirepressure.

We recently took an extended trip to Glacier NP in Montana from the east coast. Before leaving, I over filled the tires to 88 (recommended 82) figuring it would get colder (37deg) and there was an increase in altitude (5,600ft). Sure enough by time we got to Glacier, pressure was down to 81. Again over filled to allow for temp changes. Pressure fluctuated, mostly higher, as temp went up and lower altiude. As we got further east looked like cooler temps. Over fill resulted in harsher ride, but could not see adding or letting air out every day. Is there a happy medium to this problem?
  • Here we go again... For a motorhome, in 99.9% of the situations the pressure indicated on the tires is nice to know, but NOT relevant since you may never need that much pressure to support the actual weight of your motorhome. Trailer and fifth wheels are different.

    If you have no additional information, then use the pressure that is on the placard inside your motorhome.

    If you only know your GAWR’s then use that along with the tire manufacturer’s weight tables if you find the placard weight too harsh.

    If you know your actual axle weights, or better yet four corner weights, then use that information along with tire manufacturers weight tables to set your tire pressures for where you are at the moment.

    The pressures in the charts assume some fluctuations due to temperature and altitude for short term. Adjusting pressures frequently/daily is a sign you have OCD and you need to see a doctor.
  • Cars/Motorhomes/AND Trailers all have a VIN type sticker showing the CORRECT pressure for that vehicle as equipped from the factory. USE those figures UNLESS you have a 4 corner weight done by the A Weight We Go, people at rallies. Doug

    PS, do some of you MAX out your pressure on your Automobiles???? Regardless of what the Manual states???
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    I fill per scaler weight. But "Cold" is 70 dergrees for practical purpsoes. (If you ask them the tire maker can tell you more precisely) no need to over fill due to 20 degrees out.

    On my class A I can tell you filling the back tires just got 1000 percent easier.> DUALLY VALVES. .YES. DUALLY VALVES.. No more removing the simulator and reaching into where I can't see to do the job
  • I always fill mine to the “max pressure” that is listed on the Tire itself because we tow a trailer. Biggest reason for tire failure is over heating which is compounded by under inflation.
  • Never ever over fill tires. Fill to the recomended pressure on the drivers door post. On trailers air the tires to max as listed on the tire side wall. You can check them each morning if your worried. But honestly if your loosing air pressure there is something wrong. Otherwise checking weekly or even monthly should be more than sufficient.