Marathon driving? Try driving 24/7 at 57 mph from Chicago to places like Yosemite, Glacier, and the shorter trips to Yellowstone and Rocky
THIS SLUG of a rig. We did that during most of our working years with reduced vacation time with kids on-board.
We setup our two boys with Sega Genesis Nomads which helped keep them occupied, but they loved to play interactive games with each other much more. They say their fondest memories of our trips were those long days in the motorhome, not the destinations. For all they cared, we could have driven around in circles. They complained big time when we put the rig up for sale in 2007. I said, "Hey, you can buy it" which quieted them down quickly. Our oldest had just graduated with a Masters degree at the time, so he could have bought it if he didn't want to see it leave the family.
EMD360, I am glad you had a great trip. Thanks for sharing that.