And no CVS in Alaska either.
You can get any pharmacy where you are to call the pharmacy where the prescription is and transfer it.
I had called CVS to confirm this last year, although didn't use it. Was going to use Walmart. But if not a "preferred" network pharmacy, your co-pay could be more.
I've also had prescriptions covered at non-network pharmacies when there was no network pharmacy nearby by turning in the receipt. Called customer service first to confirm.
I'm getting ready to submit a receipt to my medicare part D plan for a prescription (not a maintenance drug) filled at a medical clinic in Grand Teton park where I was treated and where the nearest drug store was 30-50 miles from the campground and in the opposite direction. There is a form to complete. Not sure it is worth it and how much I might get back. Copay would have been $3 in network and I paid $26 OON.
Sometime you pay more for convenience!