TreeSeeker wrote:
Nothing sticks to silicone--not even more silicone. You are going to need to get it all off. There is a substance that is supposed to help remove it, but I have never tried it. Can't remember what it is called.
I've used Dicor and I like it.
Well the Winnie was originally sealed with 311, which is silicone based self leveling RV sealant. I cleaned off some old original sealant and put some new 311 on it. Stuck to it no problem. That said I did have to redo the sealant around my radio antenna so I peeled it off, got some spray silicone remover from Home Depot and a wire brush, took it off no problem. Cleaned the area with acetone and put some new 311 down on the antenna, good to go.
Now where I used Dicor on the previous unsealed objects (luggage rack roof mounts and tank vent screws) The dicor stuck to the metal roof no problem. However where it overlapped on the original 311 sealant, it stuck, but pulled off easily. Needless to say I will be redoing the areas where there was overlap with all 311.
I know dicor is preferred but when it comes to OEM sealants - and the fact that I do not want to redo the whole roof - I will stick with the OEM stuff. At least its not pure household silicone :)