Have a used 25b. We use a stool at the foot of the bed. The basement area is big which is a plus. I have mostly lightweight camping gear. We take the family and don’t worry much about weight with the 350. I’m agile enough to make the bed but others use sleeping bag type bedding. We also can sleep one on the couch. There is a large empty area under the jackknife to store a single bed foam. And the dinette is big enough to sleep an adult crosswise. The biggest shortcoming is lack of kitchen counter space. I use a roll up drainer over the sink and installed a stove top cover and a shelf under the kitchen cabinet to help compensate. I’m going to replace the main tv arm. It’s barely long enough to come out past the cabinet and does not tilt so we have been using a tv I put in the second location at the rear bed. I’m getting new shocks and helliwig sway bar and my rear brakes need to be replaced. I like that the steps inside are low enough the electric steps are not needed. I just installed 360 watts of solar with 210ah lithium batteries, a new charger, a 3000 watt inverter, etc. get Victron equipment and you can put it all on WiFi with a cerbo from them. I didn’t get their charger or inverter but still use the cerbo. I’ve read that many class A drivers miss the height and the clearer view if they switch to a C with a cab over and regular pickup truck height.