That price seems to be Very Good....if the interior looks anything like the exterior, can't see how you could go wrong providing the engine/trans are still going strong. Frankly, I find the build quality and attention to detail in the Vogue other words, their build like a brick S... house. You might expect to possibly have to replace some house items if everything is still original but even so, when I replaced my air conditioners, they both were still functional(switched from 13.5 to 15,000 BTU). With this in mind, even those 13.5 airs could keep the coach "Cold" in 115 degree plus weather! The insulation and the fact its a no slide coach makes for a well sealed unit.
Some other items to look for which I didn't notice in the write up:
Does it have Webasto diesel fired heat?
Is it the Allison HD 4060 trans? (this model Allison was only found in the highest end coaches of the day, Bluebirds, Prevost, Newells etc.) Its a rock solid tranny?
Does it have a true "Jake Brake"?
A Howard Power center steering stabilizer?
I only ask these questions because my coach was appointed with these and it would not be a deal breaker even if the one your looking at doesn't but it would be great if it did.
Good Luck once again and just for reference, I bought mine from a friends repo lot some 11-12 years ago and I paid 40-45,000 less that wholesale Bluebook at the time and Bluebook was roughly 90-95,000! In a word, Id say the price on your unit is EXCELLENT.