RLS7201 wrote:
The motor home manufacture puts a decal close to the drivers seat with recommended tire pressures on it. That should be all you need.
There are a few issues with this method. First, many owners change the brand and type of tires. This will change the specs based on tire manufacturers since they are different than what left the factory. Also I have found in the few MH's that I have owned, that when I weighed my rig it was pretty far off from what the actual weights were (even unloaded).
While I agree that some folks overthink this and tires being what they are engineered to do, will perform in a pretty wide range of temps and pressures.
But the most effective way to do it right - and you only have to do it once, is to weigh your rig as it's prepped for travel, and adjust PSI based on the tire manufacturers chart. That's it. Check it cold before driving, and get a TPMS. Not only is this the safest method it's probably also the best method for proper ride and control.
And have fun watching the TPMS as your tires go through all sorts of temp and psi changes as you drive. I was amazed at how one side heats more than the other based on road crown, wind or the sun. Hard not to freak out until you start to learn what tires are capable of.