Well Sir, the answer is "NO". The primary reason is the axle weight limitations. The second is, your frame is not stout enough for the additional torque/weight you'd be "cantelivering" back there. 99.9999% of the gassers out there are not strong enough for such an addition or application. Many frames have add on sections to accommodate the added length of the coach, depending on the actually length.
And, a Hydralift DOES NOT USE A THREE POINT HITCH system like, Cruiserlift, Blue Ox, or, Overbuilt. All of those use the three "receiver" style of install/mounting. The Hydralift is a direct frame attachment system and does not utilize any receivers unless someone has taken it upon themselves to adapt that style of mounting and, I'd highly recommend against that approach.
I did way more research than most before I installed my Hydralift. The amount of weight added when installing that lift, is not placed directly on the rear axle, it's placed in a cantilever position which, actually AMPLIFIES the weight. Then, there's the weight of the motorcycle. I too have a Goldwing. It's an '08 GL1800 that's very close to 900 lbs. The lift is close to 300 lbs. from the factory but, I modified mine with additional sub frame to accommodate a better purchase of the tie downs. The placement of the tie downs on the stock Hydralift are of no use for the GL 1800.
If you've ever hauled your Wing on a trailer and used "soft ties" for the lower triple tree, then you'll know what I'm talking about. But, back to the point. Here's some numbers for you that are real, not just guessed at by many. Our present coach, an '04 Itasca Horizon 36GD with the 330 CAT, has a GAWR rear axle weight rating of 17,500 lbs. The front axle GAWF is 10,400 lbs. Now, prior to the install of the lift, I weighed the rig, as it would be, fully loaded, ready for a trip. It came in at 16,900 lbs. for the rear and, 9,180 for the front.
I then installed the lift. Now, that was almost two years ago. We've put nearly 8,000 miles on the coach since then and, all the while carrying the wing and towing either a Jeep Rubicon or, a 2011 Honda CRV. It has worked flawless. I've had no issues what so ever. No wandering, no purposing, no ill handling effects at all.
But, here's the real truth. While in Oregon last year on a trip, we pulled into Seven Feathers Resort and RV park. I was getting fuel and noticed a scales just off to my left. I asked if I could use them. The lady said yes. So, I finished fueling and cruised on over to the scales and drove onto them. Well, to my astonishment, I knew I was over weight in the rear but, NOT BY THAT MUCH!!!!!!
It came in as, the front of the coach was 8,900 lbs., the rear was 20,100 lbs., and the CRV was 3,700 lbs. Now, the important part here is, the rear was over weight by 2,600 lbs. It meant that the amount offset by placing the lift and the bike on the front was only 280 lbs. That's no big deal at all, not even noticeable.
But, when you think about it, the rear was over weight by 2,600 lbs. and, that meant the tires were over weighted too. By 1,300 lbs. per side!!! And here's the real kicker. If I were to have a blow out on the rear, either side, than that means the remaining tire would instantly pickup an additional 650 lbs. and that meant that tire would be supporting 1,300 lbs. over the weight limit of it.
So, while I'm the one who chose to take the risk of the additional weight of the lift and the bike in the first place, and, it's done well for us up to this point, with no issues, no break downs, no catastrophes, no broken motor homes, no ill handling effects, I have come to the conclusion that I HAVE PUSHED MY LUCK FAR ENOUGH!
We have changed our RV/Motorcycle strategy. We have sold the CRV, and, removed the Hydralift and, purchased a GMC 1500 Sierra 4x4 Extended Cab truck and, as I'm typing this, a "Rampage" lift is being delivered to our address and will be here within an hour or two.
Now, all this was done on a diesel pusher chassis and, it worked but, I was taking a chance. I wouldn't do this on a gas coach is someone paid me to do it. I'm telling you all this because I've recently gone through all of what you're thinking and, don't want to see you damage anything on your coach or, have the nicest, smoothest touring motorcycle made, FALL OFF THE REAR!!
Now, you can do what I'm doing with the use of a Ford Ranger, as some on here have done and that will work just fine. I chose a full size truck for our reasons. But, no matter what Ford says, or Winnebago, etc. IT'S NOT THEIR COACH, IT'S YOURS, and YOU will have to pay the consequences of severe overloading it, not them.
I love the Hydralift. It's the best lift on the market, by far. And, they know it too, just look at the price compared to the others. But, if you do your homework and inspect the others, you'd agree it is superior to all of them. So, at this time, as much as I hate to, I'm selling the Hydralift and, the special components that go along with it. Very, very sorry to see it go.