darsben wrote:
supercub wrote:
When I first started RVing, I was looking forward to camping on a beach. Never had the opportunity, and now from what I've seen and heard, that's the last place I'd take mine.
A few weeks ago, I spent a couple of hours watching autos get stuck in the sand in Long Beach Washington. Was very entertaining watching people trying to get unstuck, even saw a tow truck get stuck trying to free a car..........another tow truck showed up and finally everyone got free.
Sad how fear may stop a lifetime memory because something inconvenient might happen. You drive on freeways after seeing horrendous accidents you go over bridges after seeing collapses. But you are unwilling to risk getting stuck in the sand. You might say your feet are already stuck in the sand
Is there sand and ocean on the freeway too? Last I knew they were paved, and far from any ocean hazards or sand. And there are rules supposedly that are to be for everyone. Yet some people choose to ignore them too. But it's people like your comment that cause everyone's elses insurance to go up. Lack of common sense.