kuckwood wrote:
36 ft Ford chassis V 10 1999 Damon Intruder gas Motorhome rocks and sways. Have new Michelin 19.5 x 6.75 tires inflated to 85 front and 90 back, have new heavy duty Monroe shocks, have 1 5/8" front and rear sway bars, have new front steer straight. Is there anything else that we can do to prevent all of the swaying? close to giving up the ride is so white knuckled. Thanks for any advice.
I've been a RV tech for almost 10 years, right after I retired from the USAF to do something different than what I had done for so long.
Now, I own a 2003 Flair, with a F-53 chassis. And all I can tell you is what I have done. And here goes:
1. Replaced the rear shocks, one was leaking. Not much of a difference
2. Replaced the steel 19.5 wheels with 19.5 aluminum wheels and all new tires. Huge difference in the ride. It's very smooth now.
3. Repaired the air lines for the rear air bags. Little difference, not too much.
4. Installed a Hellwig sway bar. Huge difference, and not much sway at all, whether on dirt driveways or road. Great improvement, worth it
5. Front air bags, and airless compressor. Very big difference, and worth it. Lessened the sway and roll even more. Worth every penny.
6. And lastly, a Super Steer Trac-Bar. Almost eliminated the "tail wagging the dog" issue I've had all along. Just got back yesterday for the first trip with it installed.
There is what I did. Everything was worth the money and the time to do it, I did it all myself, so no external labor. Now, to go back and do it again, I'd do the same thing. But, if I had to pick one or two, that would be very hard, but I'd go with the sway bar up front, and the trac bar in the back. Those were the biggest individual improvements. But the whole package is so worth it, I'd have to do it all again.
Whatever you do, I hope it helps you to feel at ease while you drive it. That is a bad feeling to have, helpless behind the wheel when you're away from home, and don't know what to do.