Coach-man wrote:
Well your speculation about their stability may or may not be true. Look at Fords new chassis very similar to the MB, not your grand Father’s E450! In the 3 years I had mine, I never felt insecure in the ride and/or the stability of my Sprinter! I think the engineer’s did their homework, even though it looks to high for the width!
Well ... take a look at the E450 dually rear wheels stance/spacing in this specifications document ... and then compare it to the same specification for the dually 3500 Sprinter rear wheels stance/spacing (you can look that spec up): you do the above, compare the height (to the top of the air conditioner) of a typical E450 based Class C, such as the Winnebago 22M, to the height (to the top of the air conditioner) of a typical Sprinter 3500 based Class C.
I stand by my thinking that the MB Sprinter chassis was orginally designed and intended for commercial panel truck use on narrow and/or crowded city-type streets (plus at the same time allowing for personel standup-height inside) ... and that it was later asked for in cutaway configuration by motorhome manufacturers for building on in order to competitively respond to improved fuel mileage requests by potential U.S. customers.
As such, IMHO, use of the 3500 Sprinter underneath a full height Class C represents a potential compromise in stability while in motion. It's based on pure physics that can't be gotten around.
(Of course my eyes could be deceiving me whenever I'm following behind a tall and narrow Sprinter based Class C motorhome, as apposed to whenever I observe our Class C from the rear.)