Forum Discussion

HOM's avatar
Nov 14, 2014

My wife is concerned about personal security

Hi Guys,

My wife and I were talking the other day about our motorhome plans and she very much likes the idea of a 45’ diesel pusher. The room and roadability mean a lot to her but her concern is about safety?

Is a motorhome safe from the personal safety standpoint? I have read that RV parks are safe and secure and doesn’t seem to have too many crazy people. And I’ve also read that some of yoo have had problems at rest areas and truck stops.

What would you tell her about personal security.
• Is a motorhome safe and as difficult to break into as a stick home?
• Do people mess with you on and off the road because you’re driving a big motorhome?
• Do you have to be on your guard any more than if you were in a car?

What should I tell my best girl, I have my own thoughts but would sure like to hear yours so I can share them with her?

  • HOM wrote:
    ...because you're driving a big motorhome or general driving on the highways and byways are dangerous?
    Generally driving anything anywhere. I feel unsafe going through big cities with road construction everywhere and narrow lanes.

    I have to admit I will not camp in rest areas as I've heard a few stories about them. But they're too noisy anyway.
  • Hi 2oldman,

    When you say "Your biggest safety issue, by far, is the driving" Do you mean because you're driving a big motorhome or general driving on the highways and byways are dangerous?
  • Although have a fiver, the same applies.

    Know your surroundings.
    Keep the doors locked
    Only open if you are sure its safe.
    Have a good time.

    That has always worked for me.
  • She really seems to have some unfounded issues. Personal security? Is she afraid to go to WalMart? Not trying to be a smart alick, just asking because it sounds like there might something else more serious going on here. Personal security is what you make it. In nearly 50 years traveling the world, including a stint in VierNam, I can count on one hand the number of times I felt unsafe. And none of them had anything to do with RVing.
  • Your biggest safety issue, by far, is the driving. We get few reports of anybody being messed with when sitting.