wa8yxm wrote:
My guess is the "Spare" is not powering anything,,,,, it is ACCEPTING power from your converter.. Is it, per chance a 30 amp fuse?
Oh, and the key word in the above is: GUESS
It's a 20-amp fuse at the top of the panel. But the weird thing is that if I touch the fuse to the contacts (not install it) the lights come back on. I haven't figured out what the trigger is for them going back out. And, the real mystery is that only one light circuit goes out. All other circuits remain powered. And by "out" they're not completely out - just really dim.
It's an old-school fuse panel that looks a lot like the breaker panel in a house. Big black wires feed lugs that distribute the power to the fuse holders. There's a bar up the left side and the circuits are fed from the right side The red wire is definitely a "goes outta" not a "goes inna". It appears to have been added post-manufacture because all the other wires enter and exit through the ceiling. This one goes through the wall. I can't get to the other side of it because it goes between the closet and shower.
The curiosity is killing me but I have bigger fish to fry currently. I discovered the issue while replacing my toilet and the bathroom light went out. Still in the middle of that job.