Forum Discussion

btilfan's avatar
Oct 12, 2020

mystery plug in Damon Astoria.

Can anyone tell me what this is for? It's in the storage bin directly behind the passenger side wheel well. the bin also contains the cable input jack.

  • dougrainer wrote:
    Here is the Manual with wiring diagrams. Doug

    1. Passenger side. WHERE? Front or rear wheel well? VERY rare to have a Cable INPUT on Passenger side. Usually the passenger side has a Antenna/Cable OUTPUT for connecting a TV to watch under the awning. Especially on your year model.
    2. IF the Cable plug is just a coax threaded AND NO PHONE PLUG IN, then that coax is an output. the Cable/Phone input is on the same plate. Usually either the Shore cord comp or the Water utility compartment. Doug

    sorry doug, I miss spoke that is the cable outlet plug in that same bin. but it's the 6 prong plug that I can't find an answer to. does not list it anywhere in the manual.

  • Here is the Manual with wiring diagrams. Doug

    1. Passenger side. WHERE? Front or rear wheel well? VERY rare to have a Cable INPUT on Passenger side. Usually the passenger side has a Antenna/Cable OUTPUT for connecting a TV to watch under the awning. Especially on your year model.
    2. IF the Cable plug is just a coax threaded AND NO PHONE PLUG IN, then that coax is an output. the Cable/Phone input is on the same plate. Usually either the Shore cord comp or the Water utility compartment. Doug

  • I can't find the other end of it. Damon was bought by Thor. I can't find anything on the Thor website. Hoping to find a Damon Astoria group.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    I will go with it has to do with an option you don't have.
    Standard practice is to make one wiring harness. And then just use the wires needed for the options you have. This it seems is cheaper than makign 40-leven different harnesses depending on the options you want.

    OR so they tell me.
  • newman fulltimer wrote:
    Its 12 volt for a secondary heater

    If so, why would it have 6 pins and not be amidships? I think the OP needs to contac Damon and find out what options were available that they do not have. Doug
  • Depending on the options available for your model, that plug may simply be an extra for one of those options that your coach does not have. Wire looms are made for every available option but not all those options are put on every coach. I would check for power on each wire and if one is found to be hot, I'd cap it off so that you won't have a short somewhere.....Dennis