Forum Discussion

Dosno's avatar
May 01, 2017

Navion 24V replacement glass

A large bird hit the upper window (above the windshield) 0n our 2016 Navion 24V and cracked it. Where can I purchase a replacement? The dealer stated that Winnebago does not sell replacement glass and the dealer has no idea how to get a replacement.

Any ideas?
  • As a previous respondent said.... get the complete frame/glass from WBGO. You will be happier in the long run. Easy out. Easy install. And about 100% sure you got the right window rather than an 'almost' window fit.

    And.... as another respondent said.... you don't want leaks!!!!

    And.... wouldn't this be covered under your 'glass protection' insurance coverage????
  • We also went through the same thing about 8 years ago!

    A rock from and approaching truck shattered it. It was tempered all right, but NOT sandwich safety glass ... so it shattered in a million pieces and came down all around us while driving down the road. Why Winnebago didn't use both tempered AND safety glass is beyond me.

    An auto glass shop in the Eastern U.S. replaced just the glass ... and it leaked in rain storms all the way across the U.S. back to CA. An RV repair shop put a complete frame & window assembly in from Winnebago that leaked again as received from Winnebago (rubber gasket to glass seal manufacturing defect). The RV repair shop installed another complete assembly from Winnebago - it hasn't leaked since. The repair shop scratched our Ford's hood when installing one of the assemblies.

    Good luck with your repair. If we'd ordered our new Class C instead of taking an existing new one from the dealer's inventory ... we'd NEVER ordered it with a forward facing cabover window. :(
  • A good automotive glass shop would be able to take the complete frame out and have new glass cut to fit and then have it tempered, for safety.
    Yes Winnebago will not sell just the glass, but they do sell the complete window unit, frame and glass. (We went through this about 8 yrs ago).
