willald wrote:
Where ever you take it, call ahead first and make sure they are OK with doing the inspection for a Class A Motorhome like you have.
I've found that many places refuse to do such for a Motorhome, because even though they only have to do a safety inspection (no emissions), state law still requires that they put it on a lift and inspect the undercarriage. Not many places have a lift capable of lifting these beasts. Some places will do the inspection for you anyway and don't lift it, and just risk getting caught, fined by the state. Others will not take that risk. Others just don't want to do it at all and will make other excuses, 'cause there's so little $$ in it. That's why, you need to call ahead and make sure before you waste a bunch of time and fuel.
Yup, Yup, Yup. I am fully aware of all the above. Fact of the matter is, I don't trust certain places. I will not name any names. I took it to one of those places last year. I will probably be stuck taking it there again. I guess my question should of been what experiences with Gregory Poole does anyone have?