I hope it looks really good today. I agree it's amazing how well a 10+ year old Monaco can still look and fortunately other than some tree limb scratches mine has never been repaired. Based on the amount of damage you described, $6K to fix sounds really high. Can you post some pictures of the before and how far up the color goes if you are not happy with the job? Monaco has the paint codes for all three colors on your coach so other than the amount of metal flake it should match fairly well.
I'm not much into perfect looks so if today it's still not perfect, but OK I would settle for a lesser amount and be on my way without a lawyer, insurance company or credit card company getting involved and spend the new found money of having fun.
I hope it's perfect as it sounds like that's very important to you... more than it would be for me and I plan on keeping mine for another 10+ years. Good Luck!