I'd wait to see how it looks first.
As to the question of why 3 days before and 1 day now, thats easy. It took 3 days of prep before, now all they need to do is wet sand it smooth and repaint it.
Years ago I scraped a door on our Dutch Star gasser - no dents, but it wouldn't fully buff out either. I've done enough paint work over the years I wasn't too concerned, plus Newmar always supplied the master paint codes.
I ended up spraying that door 3 times before I was finally satisfied with it. The finish was always good, I just didn't like the match. The final answer was adjusting the air pressure on the paint gun. You'd be amazed at how much difference 5 PSI made - I sure was. If doing an overall it wouldn't have mattered, but being one door mixed in with 3 others it stuck out like a sore thumb - until I found what air pressure it liked.
Also on the looking good inside, that absolutely happens. Sun light and artificial light are 2 different animals. Sometimes something that looks great inside looks like **** outside, and vise-versa.
I'd give them a chance to make it right - it's your best option at this point.