Forum Discussion

George_Beggs's avatar
Aug 02, 2023

Need Help! Can't get anyone to work on my F53 6.8 engin

My class A Went into limp mode. It shows codes for the intake manifold. Roadside service hauled me to a place in Cordele, Ga. They could not get my motorhome on the lot and even if they could they would not work on it. Everyone that I have called will not work on a class A.

If anyone knows of a place that will work on a class A within 100 miles of Cordele, Ga. Please let me know. Thank you
  • I called Ford Customer Service. They said that two places "might" work on it: they will not. My local Ford dealer does work on motorhomes and they are not listed on the Ford website.
  • Those are throttle body codes not intake manifold related most likely.
    And indicate a stick open throttle body. Maybe the motor for the tb.

    And they won’t clear and drive?
  • I called Ford Customer Service one time, with Vin and asked them who in my area would work on my Class A motorhome. They were very helpful.
  • My son runs a service center on the north side of Atlanta. If worse comes to shove you can tow it up to him. He’s not cheap but he’s good.
  • Quality Auto & RV Service Inc
    1002 E 11TH AVE
    CORDELE, Georgia, 31015
    (229) 273-0720
    Fax: (229) 273-9780
    Tow: (912) 273-0720
  • I have a scan gauge. The codes are P2104, P2111, P2112. As I said the codes are for the intake manifold.

    I need a place that will fix the engine.
  • Dude, that sucks….
    Is it a P0505 IAC idle air control code? Seems it will cause intermittent limp mode.
    As mentioned maybe you can get er going at least to get it somewhere with a code reader to clear the fault code. And if it’s that, or suspect IAC or MAF, grab a can of MAF cleaner , pull the anirbox and spray the MAF/throttle body/IAC.
    Just suggestions, no guarantee. But that’s where I’d start for cheap if your facing another tow bill (or find a shop that doesn’t s uck and hopefully roadside covers the second tow).
  • Find yourself a code reader. Walmart, Oreilly's auto parts. The port is high on the steering column.
    Might contact a NAPA store for a mechanic.