Jim Shoe wrote:
For coffee and cooking I buy plastic jugs of distilled (not drinking) water at whatever grocery I'm near. Local drinking water sometimes has an "off" taste. I can store 3 or 4 jugs under the sink. For showers, I use This. If you need to conserve water, learn to take a "Navy" shower. Get wet, shut the shower head off, soap up, turn the shower head back on and rinse. Or use the CG showers, if equipped.
Jim, I understand Navy showers; you guys are already wet, just add soap. LOL!
Or son is a Coastie (currently deployed to Bahrain, but coming home in 19 days!!). Coasties jump in what ever puddle is the closest. Soap. Whats that?
I'm Army, so we pretty much wait till we get home, if we get home. Otherwise, we use whatever, where ever, and how ever we can to get the job done. Folks back home (good ole USA) would sent us a LOT of disinfectant wipes.
DW, she's Air Force, an OR nurse/infection control/infomatics officer at that. So, they take airplane baths mainly, under the wing and tail. But, after coming back home from the last deployment, she says no more airplane baths for me while im on US soil, I want water and lots of it!
What can I say, it is what it is!