I HAVE TO believe Winnebago gives a FW tank external fill spout somewhere.
synergy_58 wrote:
snowdance wrote:
synergy_58 wrote:
It would be much nicer to be able to store an extra tank and then fill directly into the main to be able to use the water through the main system rather than have to poor from extra jugs.
No clue how yours is built but you can pick up an external water fill at most RV stores. they have a small locking door, fill hole and vent hole. You would have to hook into your tank fill line or tank with hose to fill and vent. We just use a funnel with a flex end so can bend it so it works right. Use it all the time. This is a must on all our rigs. Have used this type for the last 45 years. We often fill from water jugs.
Ok, so I have a hose connection (city water) which feeds water into the tank. I do not have any other access hole to add water in, at least that I can find. I tried the hose connection, via funnel and tank, but it will NOT go in. There must be some kind of pressure relief valve inline.
I'm in Alaska and there just isnt a good supply of RV accessories and places to check them out up here. My sources are all internet and do-it-myself venues.
Somebody help..this is a model-specific issue.
I thought all MHs had an extrior fill spot, like a fuel fill spout. Maybe there is a valve turn ro divert city hose water to the fresh water tank as an only way, but that sounds wrong.
Your fill spout may be behing a locked panel opening w/ battery, elec, cable, or some other hookups. Thor does this, IIR.