Have who yu buy from check compatibility with 20 year old controls and wiring. And install a higher output HEAT PUMP. Size of openings are pretty standard. 20 year old AC the whole of it probably should be replaced. Higher output units also make sure your generator and breakers are sufficient. We installed a front, not main heat pump with a higher output unit on our Revolution. RV Tech located a Coleman who bought out our heat pump mfg years ago, a unit compatible with our existing thermostat that integrates and coordinates heat pumps and furnaces. Not more than 800.00 total. They had to re do it once as the drain line was pouring water into the coach. New larger Heat Pump, newer tech, and the thing nearly froze us out in July in Kingman, Az. Had to more closely set the thermostat. The sensor for the thermostat was right near a 12 volt amp over third seat and the heat would keep the heat pump cranking while we froze.