bclinton wrote:
So it looks like I will be buying my first motorhome - a class A 32 foot Forest River Gas. After looking all week and emailing a ton of sellers I can spend about 10K than I had originally picked out in a class c used about 500 miles away and an in state dealer is offering a new 2017 for 75K. He advises that it is one of his last 2017's and he is selling at his cost which I believe could be true. Most likely will purchase tomorrow. Anyway, what are your opinions on covering a motorhome? Are removable covers a good investment? What about a permanent cover installed in my driveway? Any idea on what I will be paying for covers and the pros and cons of either?
Thanks in advance...
The thing about flexible covers, the kind you have to DO A TON OF WORK to install and remove each and every time, is that they are a ton of work. 2nd, Let's say you wash your pretty, nice and new coach, and put a brand new cover on it. Well, the prime reason you're putting the cover on it is to protect the coach, correct? And, at the same time, you're also keeping dirt and debris off of it, correct?
Well, that cover's going to also get dirty. Now, how you gonna get that cover off the coach? Most likely you're gonna semi-fold-roll it, in any fashion that makes it as easy on you, as possible. But, while folding and rolling, you're folding and rolling DIRT right into that cover.
Now, the next time you plan on putting the cover on, guess what, You're going to un-fold and un-roll that cover, WITH THE DIRT now on the inside, onto your coach. So, now you've got dirt and debris, IN BETWEEN your cover and your new, nice coach. NOT GOOD!
About 99.99% of the folks that purchase covers and put them on, only do it ONE TIME. The rest of the time, the cover rots in a corner some place 'cause it's a serious pain in the a$$ to put on and take off.
So, my suggestion. If you have the money, the space, and the approval of any city, county and governing authorities that make the rules about what can go where and how big, I'd put some sort of "drive under" cover of your choice in. And, again, depending on the governing authorities, I'd make it as big as you can. So many folks put one in and then say, "why" didn't we go bigger?