Can you give the numbers read out by the smog test? Did it flunk the idle portion of the test? By how much? When the manifold was glowing red during the high speed portion, did it flunk that too? For what reason? Nox?
In general, leanness should not cause manifold to glow just by revving up engine to about 2K RPM in neutral. The symptom for leanness there would be lot of popping and rough running as the engine was at that speed with low load. Is the engine running smoothly at the 2K RPM portion of test without popping in exhaust?
A gut guess the red hot exhaust was not related to the carb. Either timing effectively retarded for some reason (more to it than just idle static timing), or restricted exhaust come to mind. The one place where it may be carb related is if it has Air Injection Pump and the rich running engine is causing excessive afterburn in the exhaust manifold.
But to start post your results numbers.