ferndaleflyer wrote:
Does any one know exactly how those that got caught at this were caught???? I have said this on here before---I have 3 homes in 3 different states and everything is registered in the state most friendly to me....If I changed drivers license & registration every time I was at any of the 3 over 30 days I would go broke. On the other hand I have never been questioned in over 30 years.
There are various ways that people get caught with using a Montana LLC illegally. In some instances it may the seller dealer being audited by their state and that state reporting back to the state being shorted. For example, my client who got caught had purchased his rig in Florida from a dealer. As is common in vehicle purchases, they had to provide a copy of their NY driver's license even though the vehicle was purchased by a Montana LLC. Our best guess is that the selling dealer was audited by Florida sales tax whom we believe reported the purchase to NY Sales Tax who in turn contacted the client and requested that he provide proof that he had complied with NYS law. He could not provide that proof so he owed the tax, penalty and interest.
In other situations, the taxpayer is reported by a neighbor or an ex-spouse or by the local police who just happen to notice the Montana plates in a local garage/driveway/yard. It isn't really rocket science on getting caught, but even fairly intricate precautions may still not be enough to avoid the call from the state taxing authorities.
Getting back to the OP. He is currently a resident of NY. More than likely the discussion about CA law is not applicable. Now we turn to his question of licensing his new RV in Florida. Again, we have a NYS resident licensing a vehicle in a state other than his home state. To add to the problem NYS is very, very aggressive in pursing NY residents who are now claiming Florida residency for any reason. He may be inviting a lot of tax issues with his efforts to avoid the sales tax. The odds of using the Montana/Florida sales tax dodge may backfire and create a lot more items being audited.