Forum Discussion

10forty2's avatar
Apr 29, 2015

New Sticky Thread?

Just a thought, but perhaps a new sticky thread on proper tire pressure inflation including links to major tire manufacturers' inflation tables would be a good idea? Looking at the FAQs sticky, there is a thread about tire gauges but nothing about proper tire inflation and/or maintenance. Maybe include general facts about RV tires such as how to read date codes, sizes, load ratings, speed ratings, etc. Seems to be one of the more popular topics of discussion.....

Just my random thoughts for today..... :B
  • So many posters don’t have any knowledge of the need or importance of weighing their RVs to determine proper tire pressure; therefore, they should download and read Michelin’s PDF booklet that includes all details about proper RV tire care.

  • I understand your point, Dennis. Just thought that having all the tire pressure charts for the most popular tires would be a help since the subject of tire inflation seems to come up 3-4 times a week.
  • 10-42..while I agree having all that info in one spot would be helpful, tire inflation is one of those subjects that generates a lot of info, some right, some wrong, most in between. This is evidenced by two recent threads on this subject. I think a sticky with links as you've posted would be helpful in that it would all be in one spot. How to weigh your coach should be included in that sticky.

    IMO,posting information on the proper inflation based on those charts would generate a bunch of controversy. Some on here don't believe the charts and insist on inflating to the max pressure stamped on the sidewall. Some follow the charts. Some add 5# to the charts. And other seem to not give a damn....just sayin...Dennis