goufgators wrote:
I try to run 85 tire psi on my coach but, as I drive, pressure increases to, often, 100 psi. That's not the maximum rated psi for the tires so that doesn't bother me but what does concern me is that at 100 psi the ride is harsher and control (steering) becomes a problem due to a tendency to wander. The coach drives much better at the lower 85 psi. My question is: since 85 is the correct psi...can I (should I) inflate to...say 75 psi (cold) knowing that a few miles down the road the pressure will be at the required 85 or 90 psi? Thanks for any input! / Larry
Air pressure is always cold psi and calculated by weighing each axle and then according to the inflation charts. I always add 10 - 15psi over that for a cushion and/or load imbalance of either side, not to mention changes in ambient temp. while traveling. I doubt seriously if your tires are increasing that much with temp, but even if so that's the way it has to be.