goufgator: Try increasing the cold inflation pressure to 90 psi, and then check the increase after driving. If they do not increase as much it would indicate your tires were slightly underinflated.
However: Since the only pressure recommended is based on cold inflation, checking pressure after running (by the book more than 1 mile) has no reference so most don't check it. No idea what it should be....
I also check the tire temp with an IR gauge. I look for a temperature that is noticeably different from the other tires. My 22.5 Goodyears run 100-115 degrees in cool weather, I have seen the tires at 130 degrees, 100 degree day on fresh blacktop interstate.
I don't think your pressure increase is a concern, You could ask the tire mfgr.
I would not lower the pressure below the recommended. You should not lower the pressure in a hot tire, will be underinflated.
Here is Michelin article on RV tires,from MH magazine. Page 40 shows that tire pressure can increase 15 degrees in normal use..
Inflating Motorhome Tires