bdpreece wrote:
Another fix for out of round tires is that the tire is not so much out of round itself as it is not seated correctly on the rim. I fought a vibration like this for quite awhile until one of the shops broke the front tires down, rotated them on the rim, reseated and re balanced. You want to make sure they are heavily soaped so that they seal centered.
When we picked up our present coach, it had a small but, noticeable shake/wobble in the steering wheel/front end. Well, we were in Reno NV at the time and, we were to drive our "new to us" motorhome all the way to San Diego. And, I was not going to feel that wobble/shake for over 500-600 + miles so, knowing the previous owner had replaced all six tires less than a year to our acquiring the coach, from Les Schwab tire Co., we were approaching Carson City NV and we pulled off there to find a Les Schwab and see what they could do about it, if anything.
Well, we found one very close to where we were and called them and they said, come right on down. We pulled into a bay and they jumped right on it. I watched the tech and he first put the right front on a balancing machine to check out the condition of that tire/wheel prior do starting any work on it. Well, he called me over and told me to observe as he spun the tire on the machine. He said, "You see that" as he pointed to the reference line just next to the outer edge of the rim and, it was varying widely in distance from the edge of the rim.
So, he stated, "this is an easy fix". He removed all the weights, deflated the tire, rotated as stated above and re-mounted it. Then he and I both watched again as the tire was spun up to driving speed. WAAAAAAAAY BETTER! When it came to replacing the weights that had been removed, only about a third of the weight was needed to balance that tire/wheel.
He then did the same exact procedure to the other front wheel. It was the same situation. He said it was rare for a tire to not be seated correctly but, it does happen from time to time. When they were done, it was "NO CHARGE" situation due to the tires had a warranty for workmanship etc. on them. We hit the freeway which, was glass smooth section of highway 395 south, and that coach was dead smooth. And, it's been like that ever since.