sriethman wrote:
My wife and I ended up buying her parents 1999 Bounder! We had a fifth wheel so camping ain't new to us just a motorhome is! They had a few problems the last time they took it out, the brakes quit working! They ended up getting them fixed and it works fine now! I have it scheduled to get a couple other items looked over at a dealer! My question is they offer a complete check through of the motorhome for $650 would this be a waste of money that I could do myself or a be an ease of mind to pay for and have gone through! We have scheduled a two week trip up to Maine end up June first of July! Thanks for the help!
do you have tbe skills, equipment/tools and most importantly tbe experience to conduct tbe insoection? if yes then maybe you ciuld save yourself $650. i'd still want a professional opinion...objective set of eyes. best if the inspector does not work for a garage or you'll make it clear that you'll be doing whatever repairs are needed...even if that's not the case. good luck.