Forum Discussion

FreeSpirit10's avatar
May 31, 2020

New to RVing, GVWR and multiple State DL

Hello everyone! New to the forum, RVing and looking forward to the adventures that open up with RVing. Right now, my local DL office is swamped and not answering this question so I searched the forums and cannot find what I am looking for. I am sure this is a repeat question, so please forgive me but I can't find the answer anywhere. I am in the market for a Class A RV, I am trying to stay under 26,000 lbs GVWR. Apparently, the market is pretty limited on that (right now) and there are some wonderful 36' to 38' that are 26,500 - 29,000 lbs GVWR that would work beautifully for my needs. Even a 34' diesel pusher is over 26,000 lbs GVWR. In Florida, I don't really need to worry about weight of the vehicle but I am looking to make a trip to Oregon (once) then twice a year to Indiana. I am asking a few questions, one about traversing the mountains and the other is about Driver License Classification over multiple state lines.
Knowing the mountains, would any of you recommend a size or weight limit for a Class A? Anything you would recommend to have added to the vehicle itself that makes it safer for handling the mountains? I would not be driving in winter at all, I've never experienced driving in snow and have no desire to cut my teeth with a huge vehicle on a highway.
The other question would be about driver license classification. Please correct me if I am wrong - the research I have done indicates that if your vehicle is under the GVWR of 26,000 lbs you are OK to drive through multiple states without a special drivers license. My question is do I need a Federal CDL to drive a vehicle that is over the GVWR of 26,000 lbs, such as a 38' Day Break that has a GVWR of 29,000 lbs? Do other State's honor the State that your Driver's license is in or is getting a CDL paramount when crossing multiple state lines? If anyone has a Federal CDL how long is the process and have you had any issues with State Troopers even though you have a Federal CDL? Thank you so much! Can't wait to be a part of the RVing community.
  • There are some Bounder MH out there with the Chev engine that can be bought worth the money. Not the strongest or fastest but will get the job done. Select what you tow carefully. That is what kills your power on steep hills and mountains.
    I-24 at Monteagle, Tenn is the place I have found that tells me if I have enough power. A 300 Cat engine in a 36' Winnebago was OK. A 425 Cummins in a 40' Damon was more than adequate. Haven't crossed in the present gas V-10 Newmar 40 footer but I am pretty sure it will get across, but I may get passed a lot going up.
  • CDL are not required for RVs.
    The state in which you have your drivers license s issued in is the determining factor. All states have a reciprocal agree for license.