Forum Discussion

cj7365's avatar
May 03, 2015

New Winegard antenna is it worth it

Im about to pull the plug and spend $50 bucks on the new Winegard RVW-205 Sensar IV White Antenna Replacement Head

Reviews are mixed on amazon

We don't really watch T.V. when we go camping, but we are taking a trip out to California to visit relatives, and will be spending some time in the R.V. so thought it would be nice to watch the local channels.

My old one receives the digital channels fine, any real reasons to upgrade??

It does say the range is 55 miles for the new head, not sure what my old one is
  • Depending on how old your current antenna head is. I replaced ours with the new Sensar, and was able to receive signals that I had not ever seen before. Currently, we are in flat country, with the Atlantic ocean on one side, and am watching a station over 60 miles line-of-sight. I flakes out a bit, but is very acceptable. I was well pleased with the results after the replacement. I have purchased, but not installed yet, the Sensar signal strength panel, which has some additional amplification built in. Eager to see if it helps.