There is another question you need to ask and that is if you require new or not. Most folk think that want new, but don't realize how little there is to gain by purchasing new. Assuming a price of 130,000 give or take 20, try comparing a brand new gas Fleetwood product with a early 2000s Foretravel. Both would be similar priced, but the FT will have it all over the new Fleetwood. Lower quality is with you forever. You also can factor in, that a high end coach has probably been fairly well cared for.
As far as brand quality, your Chevys and Fords of the industry are Newmar, Allegro, Holiday Rambler, and basically in that order, all though the differences between the quality of each runs more with the line within the brand, rather than the brand its self. Below that, you are talking about Fleetwood and Thor products. Within those brands there is overlap in quality depending on the individual product line.