Forum Discussion

draboo's avatar
Sep 03, 2014

Newbie Learns About Shorepower

I recently traded our geezerly 93 Fleetwood Flair for a 2002 Holiday Rambler Neptune 34ft diesel with 32K miles.

We have been having a bit of trouble with the shorepower. Here are the sequence of events that lead to the exciting conclusion!:

After parked at home, started playing with the control board(BEFORE READING THE MANUAL!)Promptly clicked on a button labeled "convert". Next morning brand spankin' new coach batteries are dead. Real dead. So, charge 'em up overnight. Meanwhile,whilst plugged into shore power, only one outlet will function.(using a flimzy homeowners orange extension cord, 50footer) It SEEMED (to me, at least) that either the transfer switch or the converter/inverter was acting up. Tried disconnecting the 12V leads from the inverter and rehooking em up. This helped once, but after it reverted back to it's previous state of "one outlet working in whole coach". I read every stinkin' post on transfer switches and inverters till my head was about to explode. Then,an original thought not produced by reading something came to mind: "WHAT IF THE CORD THAT IS PLUGGED INTO THE SHORE POWER CORD IS TOO SMALL AND WILL NOT ALLOW ENOUGH CURRENT THRU, SO SOME COMPUTER BOARD SOMEWHERE CUTS OUT ALL OF THE POWER TO EVERYTHING BUT THE ONE STUPID OUTLET?" Wow, did my feeble geezerly brain just think that? Huh!

Anyway, to make a long story even longer, I found that I still had a long 30 amp extension cord from our old rv and plugged this into the outlet (adapter needed) and into our new unit. VOILA'! Like magic,one half of the RV's electrical stuff started working! I realize(Now, after reading that stupid manual) that a 30 amp plug provides only one 120V rail to the RV. I need a 50 amp to run everything.

So..after tearing out the batteries and recharging them out of the coach, and having to figure oot which cables went where afterwards, I did get it all back together and all is working fine.

Conclusion: Do not hit the "convert" button and use your shore power cord to plug directly into an outlet if you want to use some of the 110V powered stuff in the coach.

finis :S
  • interesting because when i use 30a adapters on my 50a connection ALL my items are powered (not just 1/2 the the circuit/bus).

    of course i cant run everything (at once) on 30a (like i can on 50a) but everything can be powered.
  • That is not true at all.A 15/30/50 will power all outlets on a MH BUT its not enough power to effectivly run anything but the converter especially through 50 feet of cord. A 30 amp to 50 amp will also run all and any of your 120V requirements except trying to run 2 AC at the same time or any other combos that load to that degree

    If when u pluged in your 15 amp cord and only had one powered outlet you have blown breakers on the inverter/converter system
    Also when u clicked on converter you most likely turned it off that's why the batteries went dead
  • Moral of the story: read the *&$%^$&* BOOK before you go idly pushing buttons.

    That said, I sure am glad to hear you survived the experience and nothing actually exploded in flames. Although it does sound like you got close.