Currently, we have a 32' floorplan (about 38' tongue to spare) TT being towed behind an Excursion. We have had this setup for a little over four years now, and are beginning to reassess needs as our family grows and interests change. We have used the camper essentially as a base of operations because we have held Disney / Legoland / Universal passes over the time we have lived in Southern FL. Two children, 10 and 8. We take a 'big' trip to visit family in the Midwest each summer (about 4000 mile round trip). My feeling is either go big (FW) or go 'nomad' with a Class C that will get our family more mobile as we grow and age. Obvious problem to getting a nice FW is having to get a truck, and then the FW. That is two very large investments. If we went Class C, it would just be one large investment, which probably is close to equaling the cost of truck and FW (if we go new). Living in urban Miami, I do not relish the idea of trying to drive a one ton (possibly DRW) anywhere. If we went Class C, it would have to be stored somewhere (not ideal), but I would not have a gigantic truck in my driveway that can't be driven anywhere but towing the camper. We are comfortable in our current TT. Having full access to bathroom, beds, entertainment while driving, however, would be HUGE. I am comfortable driving / backing / maneuvering the 55+ feet of TV and TT we currently drive, so I do not think a Class C would be a problem (even with a toad), but I am concerned that space would be a problem when set up. We need to take the next step of actually walking through different FW and Class C units. We did this a number of years ago, and at that time a TT made sense because we already had the Excursion to tow it with. A truck that can handle a 12-14K FW reliably I'm thinking is going to go $50-$60K, and then a FW is at least that again (conservatively). So we are either $120K into a VERY large setup, or possibly $70-$90K into a really nice 32-35' Class C. Any input is appreciated, or if it seems my figures are way off.