Effy wrote:
Didn't care for the Tiffin. I know it's a Tiffin but I just didn't care for it. Looked at the Winie 35 b. nice coach. I have been pouring over reviews, you tube vids, websites, etc for several days. I keep coming back to the Palazzo despite the higher cost. It just really seems very nice for the price and has a "feel" that just seems right if that makes sense. You know when something hits you. More looking, more research...
Yep, know that 'feel'. Sounds like a Palazzo may be in your future. :)
One floorplan aspect I can never get past with DP motorhomes, regardless of price or any other issue, that really rules it out for us: We really, really like having a window on the back wall of the bedroom. I've yet to ever see ANY diesel pusher model that offers that. I guess it has something to do with the engine being back there, and the air intake being inside that back wall? I dunno, but it pretty much means we'll always own a gasser MH of some form.