Well said. Far too often manufacturers and advertisers have to put labels on things to make the lemmings follow blindly and jump off the cliff ... financially. They get rich, and you part with your money! In other words, use labels as an attempt to make everyone think there's always another level of 'achievement' that needs to be attained in order to be happy, ,which is really BS, but far too many people buy into it and blindly follow the pied pipper! Sadly, "upgrades" never make anyone happy unless they have peace in themselves first!
This is a lesson I learn in High School, back around 1969-70. It was the "Thing" back then to be part of that rebel group that had the philosophy, "Do your own thing!" Unfortunately, "your own thing" was really "their thing" ... drugs, Rock N Roll, alcohol, sexual freedom, rebellion, anti-establishment. So, along comes ME, a straight arrow ... country music, getting established in a religious community (my parents were not religious at all), attempting to understand the principles of our government and how it works, wanting to be a good citizen, wanting to become a family man with a wife, kids, the dog, and a home someday, not living out of the back of van smoking weed running around naked in a rain forest!
So you know what? I was doing "my thing" ... I really was. But I was an outcast! NEVER accepted as someone who does their "own thing". I learned a valuable lesson as a 15 year old kid that year in high school! NEVER listen to the BS! DO the THING that TRULY makes YOU happy and that's all the REALLY matters.
If you are happy with your RV.... WONDERFUL! You are an independent thinker. It works for you, and all this "branding" "labeling" is for the birds!
Good for you!