Forum Discussion

RVER's avatar
May 31, 2018

NEWMAR 2003 gas engine with RPM gauge craziness

I have a 2003 Newmar Mountain Aire Gas with Vortec 8.1 engine and coming home to MA from SC I noticed my RPM gauge would show the correct RPM and then flip up or down kind of crazy. I had another problem so we changed out a positive cable on batteries and it seemed to cure the problem but as we drive further the RPM gauge seems to work and then start flipping out again and then working and flipping out. I also have a ABS light on but brakes check out totally and there is no sound alert to the light just light. NOT sure if it is an electrical problem causing both or just coincidence. Any suggestions? I am having someone check the "Ground cables" to A/C and D/C and see if that has anything to do with it. ANY IDEAS?
  • You can clean the sensors and check if they are functioning yourself. Not difficult. Look up how to do it on Google, or take to Chevy dealer that will work on RVs or RV repair shop.
  • rbago that sounds like exactly what is going on. Do I take it to a truck repair place to clean the sensors and get new module IF necessary or do I take to a Chevy dealer or??
  • Had same problem with my 2003 Suncruiser with the Workhorse 8.1. The malfunctioning ABS caused the torque converter to in and out of lock causing the RPM to change up and down with no change in speed. Solution was just to clean the ABS sensors in my case or could you may have a bad sensor or bad ABS module.
  • I have had three panic stops where the ABS kicked in and kept me straight as I stopped.

    Your ABS is not working when the red light is on so I'd suggest getting that fixed.

    I don't think it is related to the erratic RPM gauge.
  • If it has GM gauges there was a problem with them through those years.
    I have a 2004 Chevy Silverado PU that I bought new and have babied now with only 107,000 miles on it.
    My gauges started acting up and I found that they use "Step Motors" to read the information. There were defective motors during that era.
    I bought a new set of upgraded motors on ebay for $16. and had to remove the dash and solder them in. (instructions on u-tube)
    Not sure if this is your problem but this info might help someone else.
  • Could be a speed sensor. Get your ABS fixed (it doesn't work now) and the speedo may be fine.