We really like the fit and finish of our Bay Star Sport very much, and would buy it again even with some of the issues we had when we first got it. We looked at similar units from Winnebago, Thor, and a few others and the Newmar was much more impressive. They are not perfect but do a great job of customer service and will fix whatever needs fixing.
We only have one AC unit, and that is all we could get in it. (I tried). But we mostly camp in areas that have shade such as state parks, some older CG’s that have trees. It has worked well. Newmar does better than most in the ducting in that they have return ducts just about every where they have out put ducts so heat from every area is removed. The AC was not able to keep up when we were out west in June where most of the CG’s were shameless and it was hot as hades. We did start using some reflextic in the windows and it help a lot. But as above, if your unit can support a second unit, get it.